Preventing Break-ins

With the crime rate continually rising you may wander; What other precautions can you take to prevent a burglary and keep your loved ones safe you may ask?

Get good door locks to secure your property. Not just key-and-knob locks. As most people know they can be easily picked with a credit card. For the best security you need a dead bolt. If you have glass in your door, you need a double-cylinder deadbolt.

Use your Locks. About 40% of burglaries in the U.S. are not forced entries. The burglar was able to simply walk through an unlocked door, or climb through a unlocked window.

Keep a light on when you leave your home to give the appearance that someone is home.

DON’T tell people when you are going out of town. ESPECIALLY on the internet.

Try not to let to many people know your daily schedule. Most break ins are by criminals who know when the homeowner will be home.

Case your own house. Look at your house through the eyes of a burglar. How would you break in? Where are the easiest points of entry? Then consider what you can do to make to make them more secure.